Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lindsay Lohan ... Arrested Again!

When I read a story about Lindsay Lohan being arrested this morning, I was confused. I thought she turned herself in 3 days ago and was released on bail. I didn't realize that today's incident was brand new.

The problem is now that she's 21, she's an adult and is completely responsible for her own life. Her parents can't intervene because they have no legal jurisdiction over her. Her lawyer, manager, agent and publicist can't do much, and what they can do (i.e. drop her as a client), would probably do more harm than good. So who's left?

According to her attorney, she's "safe" and back in rehab. Well, we all know how that's worked out for her in the past, don't we!

I don't mean to be rude here, but something has got to give or she's going to end up dead, just like Anna Nicole Smith. Her continuous partying is a huge cry for help that no one seems to be paying attention to, because they're too busy riding on the coattails of her celebrity.

Will someone please, PLEASE, step up to the plate and help this young woman, before it's too late?

I realize that "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink," and that she has to want to help herself get better. But if her family and those people on her management team don't do something and figure out a way to help her RIGHT NOW, eventually they won't have to worry about her at all, because she will no longer be a client. Instead, Lindsay Lohan will just be another statistic: one more young Hollywood star whose life was cut short because of drugs and alcohol, joining the ranks of River Phoenix and John Belushi, among others.

Please don't let that happen. If anyone reading this is someone who actually has the ability to do something, and help Lindsay, then please do it now because everyone's life has value, including yours, and you just never know when you might need someone to return the favor to you.

We're all in this together, and together we can make a difference.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Letter to Isaiah Washington ...

Dear Isaiah,

There are two sides to every story and then there’s the truth. And, when it comes to the situation with Grey’s Anatomy, none of us are every going to know what really happened that day … No matter how many people you talk to!

There’s no question that you’re angry about being released from the show. That’s obvious by the fact that no matter which way I turn, there you are, speaking with everyone and anyone who will listen, trying to tell them your side of the story. And while I’m sure that anyone in your shoes would feel the same way you do right now, nothing is going to change the situation. At this point in time, the only thing that can change is you and your attitude.

The time has come for you to STOP TALKING! Life is unfair and sometimes stuff happens over which we have no control. However, the more you keep talking, the deeper the hole you dig, because now you just look like someone who’s difficult to work with; someone who causes trouble, has anger management issues, and is a potential liability on any project.

And, while I don’t know who your “team” is and how they’re advising you right now, if you were my client, the first piece of advice I would give you is to LET IT GO.

It’s time for you to salvage what’s left of your dignity and your career and move on. Go on vacation and take some time to figure out what your next move is. Re-evaluate your team (i.e. agent, manager, publicist, etc.) and decide it they have your best interest at heart, or if it’s time to explore putting together a new team. Forgive your fellow cast members and remember that they weren’t the ones who fired you. Forgive yourself for your error in judgment. It happened and you can’t undo it, so get over it and get on with your life.

The decision is yours to make, so make this one count.
